Copper Harbor in Northern Michigan's Upper Peninsula during Summer via Drone

Civil Rights Actions Against Surveyors and Local Governments and Employees

42 USC Sec. 1983 provides causes of action against surveyors and local governments and its officials and employees for deprivation of titles and rights in lands and waters guaranteed by the Constitution and federal statutes.

Contact Lake Property Law, PLC.

Assisting Surveyors and Local Governments

It seems as if the following is appropriate advice for assisting surveyors and local government officials to avoid federal civil rights liability: “No action by the courts, congress, state legislatures or the property owners can change the public land subdivision boundaries established by the original surveyors as incorporated by reference in the resultant patents.” Clark’s Surveying and Boundaries, Sec. 20.13

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Footbridge over the Huron River in Ann Arbor, Michigan. A great spot for a picnic.

Public Land Boundary Specialist

I rely on federal, public land surveys for Michigan. In fact I would find it nearly impossible to assist lake and river owners without having them available. They show me what are the legal subdivision boundaries in the sections, half sections and quarter sections and the corners and lines thereof, together with our rivers, lakes, Indian reservations and foreign (French) claims. They are forever unchangeable.

Contact: Lake Property Law, PLC.

Buying, Selling and Owning Lake Property

Whether you intend to buy, sell or spend the rest of your life adjacent to property that abuts water, you should be fully informed of original survey boundaries, titles and rights. I know precisely what those boundaries are in any area of this state. I certainly don’t need, nor would I ever trust, a court to tell me and neither should you. Courts merely have rights to define property lines within the boundaries of the surveys established by the land department of the federal government.

We are Here To Help.

Our Lands and Waters Were Decided Years Ago

The power to make and correct the original surveys of the public lands in Michigan belongs exclusively to the federal Bureau of Land Management of the Department of Interior, and that the action of that department, within the scope of its authority, was and is unassailable in the courts. It was and is never within the jurisdiction of any court at any level to consider and determine whether those official surveys of Michigan’s federally meandered lands and waters duly made, with plats thereof filed in the district land offices, are erroneous. They are forever unchangeable.

I rely heavily on those official surveys. That’s why I am able in most every instance to assist lake property owners make decisions quickly and effectively regarding buying, selling and owning. There’s no court involved. When federal and state law confilct, federal law controls. STATE LAW IS VOID.

Property by a lake

Lake Regulation and Zoning Matters

I represent persons in most lake zoning and regulatory matters, both civil and criminal.

Contact Lake Property Law Now.

Illegality of State Meander/Traverse Lines

State meander/traverse lines corrupt the federal surveys. As such, they are illegal and unconstitutional. Thus, those of you who are subjected to state meander/traverse lines in your property descriptions very much deserve to know what property you truly own.

Contact us now.